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Get to Take Part in Popular & Trending Activities and Events Anytime.

Personalized and Detailed Activities all over Kenya

Take Control of Activities and Events, Like and Save Any Activity that Fascinate you for future References

Activities Page
Search Activities

Search through Unlimited Activities & Events in any Area

Interested in Tag, Location or Activity Name, Feel free to Search through Activities to find Your Likes

Select Activity Tag

Unlimited Activities You Can Partake

Receive Activity or Event Suggestions from Tags You select.

Curated Activity Detail

See Full Activity Details from Company Offering to Location Coordinates or Information About any Activity.

Activity Detail
Event Detail

Curated Event Detail

Curated Event Details with Information for more Visibility

Map Aided Route To Activity & Event Location

Get Route to your Destination for Activities & Events, when you Tap on Coordinates in Activity or Event Detail Screen

Event & Activity Directions
Bucket List Page

Take Control Of Your Bucket List

Control Activities or Events Added to Your Bucket List

Offering Activities or Events

Switch to Company Account and To create and Manage Activities or Events You Offer.

Activity & Event Company Profile

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